CBD is changing peoples’ lives every day. Check out this very common testimonial:
“I can’t really imagine going without my CBD. It is so interesting how it can help with such different things. When I wake up in the middle of the night I take it and it helps me relax and fall back asleep. But then I take it with my coffee in the morning because it helps me get focused and makes me feel ready to take on my day, and then again later when I need a little reset.”
The big question is: ‘what does it feel like?’
The truth is that CBD is a personal thing and people take CBD for different reasons. Some people take it to have a more positive vibe, relieve stress, have more focus, be more patient, relieve pain, help with sleep, before and after exercising and just to take an edge off. Others take it for more serious medical conditions. CBD is literately changing people’s lives and only for the better.
And NO! You don’t feel high from CBD. With a good quality product, you should just feel more stable.
Now having said that, if you’re interested in CBD, let us give you some very important guidance to help you find a good product…because there are some really good products, but there is even more JUNK!
Producing a good quality CBD is an art form and different products can vary greatly in their benefits and how they feel…very much like fine wine. There are so many factors involved. The quality of the plant and the cultivation methods, the extraction process, the primary ingredients combined with the CBD, the terpenes added if any and much more. It is probably becoming clear that finding the right CBD for your needs is important. Very much like finding your favorite wine(s).
How long does it take for a CBD product to work?
Most CBD products are made with oil as their base. Regardless of the quality, oil-based products will take 30-60 minutes to digest and then get the benefits from. CBD Gummies, which have become a fad, can take even longer. There are companies that have found superior delivery methods for faster absorption providing much quicker results. Water-soluble CBD is the fastest and can work in just minutes.
Does the CBD product in question have a bunch of garbage combined with it?
Most products have chemicals, alcohol, and preservatives in their products. Read the ingredients on a package of cheap ‘CBD Gummies’ from a convenience store and you see what we mean. The good CBDs keep it as natural as possible, if not 100% organic.
Most CBD products have a taste that is hard for people to tolerate.
Even the majority of the good quality products don’t taste good. You can find a really good quality product that also has a pleasant taste. These companies just put the extra time in to make this possible in their formulation.
The good news is that there are also some VERY high-quality products out there.
There are some great products on the market brought to you by good companies. But, it is hard to find one CBD that addresses everything mentioned above that you should look out for. Even if it is just the taste or how long it takes to feel the benefits.
When you find the right one for you it will probably be the best you have felt in your natural state…